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Password Protected Momentum Nov 21, 2023

How many passwords do you have?

Do you have specific passwords for highly protected accounts like banking or government then reusable passwords for online shopping or lower-risk accounts?


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Sleep Well Nov 21, 2023

What does your nighttime routine look like?

Are you a night hawk who likes to catch up on your TV watching or can’t go to bed without clearing out your inbox? Or do you wind down early,...

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Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Nov 21, 2023

If you had to define “awareness”, what might that sound like?

Is awareness a perspective or an experience? Is it a realization or a level of consciousness? What about a degree of...

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Healthy Choices are Risky Nov 21, 2023

Did you ever wonder why you continue to do something, eat something or believe something that you know full well is not healthy for you?

We all do it. Self-sabotage behaviour is common.


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Words to Live By Nov 21, 2023

Many of my friends have hidden talents. They don’t lead with their talents, in other words many are business owners or leaders so their focus is often on their day job and of course their...

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US6506148B2 Nov 21, 2023


What is it?

It is a patent held by the U.S. government pertaining to mind control through a screen; an electromagnetic manipulation technique.

I find the subject of mind control...

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Fruits of Our Labour Nov 21, 2023

We live in a microwave society.

We have come accustomed to instantaneousness.

Can’t remember the name of the star in that 1979 movie? Google it.

Need quick relief from a headache? Pop...

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Taking Noise Seriously Nov 21, 2023

How does noise affect you?

Are you one who needs some noise – you like to have people around you, music playing or the T.V. broadcasting in the background – or are you one who loves...

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It’s Just Me Nov 21, 2023

Did you ever wish someone would follow you around with a camera to capture unexpected synchronicities, spontaneous moments of love and laughter, and some of your most brilliant moves?


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Puja to Your Body Nov 21, 2023

Have you ever tried to lose weight or reshape your body in some way?

What method did you use? Did you follow a program that limited the type of foods or where you needed to measure them in some...

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The Off Button Nov 21, 2023

Would you agree that repetition is the mother of learning? That the more you repeat an affirmation, the more you repeat a skill or the more you repeat a behaviour, the easier it is to follow?


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Rise and Shine Nov 21, 2023

Have you heard of the Tesla Coil?

It was one of Nicola Tesla’s inventions in 1891. Once Tesla got his own laboratory he had free reign to experiment, test and explore novel ways in which...

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