Get in the Game

aha moment jae m rang Feb 26, 2024

Are you a fan? Do you have a favourite sport team you follow, kids that you cheer on or maybe a Netflix series you can’t get enough of?

Die-hard fans have the team jersey, know the schedule off by heart and are tuned into when the next iteration, interview, program, merchandise or experience is planned.

It’s natural to want to be part of something bigger than yourself and external enthusiasm can invoke the same elated, or disappointing, emotions as personal wins. The big differences are that not only are you not in control of the behaviours of the external initiatives, you also don’t receive the same rewards or setbacks (aka lessons). Getting emotionally involved with something external can raise your dopamine levels and give you the sense of belonging, accomplishment or grief associated with the victories or challenges, but in reality, none of them belong to you.

Living our lives through something or someone else can give us a charge; however, what is truly advancing is when we get in the game. But what if we don’t have a clear plan, enough training or even the resources to start something new?

Aha! ~ “The quickest way to succeed is to start now and figure it out as you go. You can’t learn to drive in a parked car.” As shared by Kamakakehau Fernandez

There is no more personal movement trying to drive a parked car than there is watching your team score a touchdown.

Can you imagine trying to learn online how to swim? Eventually you’ve just got to jump in the water. Yes, you might flail around, drink too much pool water or get a leg cramp but only once you dive in will you learn what you need to do next, and that victory lap will be your own.

If you want to develop beyond the basics for which you are currently being universally compensated, it means getting uncomfortable and taking personal responsibility for your advancement. It also means facing fear, disappointment, embarrassment and being humbled beyond belief.

The upside, however, is that elated feeling that comes with accomplishment, a higher sense of self-worth, enhanced confidence, ease with which to tackle more new endeavours and let’s not downplay the amazing new friends and mentors you’ll meet along the way.

From wherever you are, just start. The competition is only from within.


Chapter #23 of 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage talks more about why we want to make our own victories. Get yours here then jump into Human U for weekly chapters discussions to really break free! More on this discussion on YouTube.


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