Super Freq
Jun 24, 2024Sometimes I come across something that I believe is so game-changing – a program, a book, a food, a concept, a modality – then totally unleash my passion and share it enthusiastically. But when I do, my flame can get a little doused by those who can’t see what I see.
How can that be? They live in the same world I do … why do so many not see the brilliance?
I wondered, is it me? Is that they don’t trust that I share from a place of research with a full-blown Archimedes-like “eureka” moment?
Is it that what I am seeking is not important to them, it’s not on their radar?
Or maybe it’s a timing thing … that they will see it when they are ready? After all, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”, right?
I know conditioning certainly plays a part. None of us is programmed identically – not even close – so our values will definitely play a part.
I posed the question to my fellow Freedom From Self-Sabotage Coaches asking, are we not on the same wave length that what I am presenting doesn’t resonate?
Jack drew on conditioning when he said, “It’s the thought process that creates the frequency”. If you allow fear to get to you, then you are operating in a lower vibration of doubt, anxiety, even shame.
Ana pointed to brain health as clouding our ability to “see” as did Kyra and Marsha.
Ana said, “The fewer toxins, the better our prefrontal cortex performs…like antennas [we] have an incredible ability pick up on important information. The toxins and noise dull that ability.”
Hmmm…noise … that could be distractions, self-talk, other people’s opinions or that we aren’t allowing ourselves the literal silence we need to receive fully.
Kyra shares, “If you have activated the pineal via drinking only distilled water for decades, the bandwidth of perception is vastly expanded … into the field of knowingness.” The chemicals ingested through that morning java and social libations can hijack your mind to a lower vibration. (there is a reason they call them “spirits”), right Matt? Marsha quotes a share between Dr. Peter McCullough and Reiner Fuellmich, the results of which have recently been published, that what many trusting souls agreed to have injected into them as an antidote and to save humanity, “….would experience brain damage I the prefrontal cortex which affects their critical thinking skills.” Brain damage?
Then I asked, is there a common thread here? Can all these conditions be conveyed in one representation?
Aha~ “Frequency is the root that precedes all expressions of form.” ~ Lisa Berkovitz
It’s all about the vibes.
Emma spoke from personal experience when she added, “It’s difficult to explain, but the higher my frequency got, it was like having access to mass consciousness and the answers to all my thoughts.” Yes … a super freq!
Lisa concluded with, “Physical health, and the choices people make, are an expression of their current frequency” – agreed – and thank you Victoria for reminding me, “We can find people on similar frequencies”.
Pop on here to see what I am sharing The best kept secret! Then get your book and let’s do Human U together!!
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